How many laser treatments are required? Why is there a need for multiple treatments?
The number of treatments required is dependent on several factors. For hair removal, there are several cycles of hair growth and a certain number of hairs may only be growing at a particular time (anagen stage), and what body area being treated for laser hair removal will also play a factor in number of treatments. For vessels, they may need to be shrunk over a number of treatments. And wrinkle treatments are a result of the laser stimulating the body to produce or reorganize collagen. Also, every client responds differently therefore Jane Doe may need more treatments than Jill Doe.
Can I get 100% result from Laser Hair Removal treatments? How much hair will remain after completing a series of treatment?
Unfortunately, no. There is no 100% guaranteed permanent hair removal method with laser treatments. The Food and Drug Administration considers electrolysis is a permanent hair removal method. There are clinical studies showing laser can reduce hair counts 60-95%, and it really depends on patient’s medical history, hormones, hair color and skin type influence the success of laser hair removal.
How long does it take for a hair to shed once it has been treated?
Hair can take up to two weeks to shed after treatment of the GentleMax Pro and nearly three weeks after treatment with the GentleYAG.
What are the differences between PicoWay® laser vs. PicoSure laser?
PicoWay® has a higher peak power of 0.9GW, it is 3 times more powerful than Picosure. Almost twice as fast, uses tri-wavelength technology, and has significantly faster recovery time. The PicoWay® can deliver ultra-short pulse durations, from 250-450ps (picoseconds) depending on handpiece to shatter tattoo pigment. Multi-coloured tattoos will have better results from a PicoWay® laser. And, if you have a darker skin tone, PicoWay® lasers are less likely to damage your skin.
Picosure Laser has the peak power of 0.36GW, making the PicoWay® laser more effective in clearing tattoos., whereas PicoSure operates at 750ps (picoseconds) pulse durations. Picosure Laser operates at a shallower depth, making it suitable for superficial concerns.
As a photoacoustic laser, the PicoWay® fractures tattoo ink through vibration whereas PicoSure uses photothermal energy to heat the skin, which can lead to longer downtime. The majority of PicoWay® clients report high patient satisfaction and low to no downtime.
Are there any pre-treatment procedures? If I’ve been using sunless tanning products, or tanning bed; can I still be treated with laser? What about shaving?
We will consult with you and review the pre-treatment procedures. The skin being lasered must not be tanned (no tanning spray or pigmented lotion allowed). Because many of the lasers have absorption by melanin/pigment, we advise that clients avoid ANY sun exposure, tanning beds, and sunless tanning products for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment and 2 weeks after. Clients who have had Accutane for acne may not have laser for at least six months (and possibly one year) after stopping Accutane. Yes, all areas being treated for hair reduction should be shaved the day prior to treatment. Any hair that is above the surface of the skin will absorb light that is intended for the hair follicle.
How long should a client wait before applying makeup, deodorant, etc.?
As long as the treatment is non–ablative, 24 hours is the recommended period of time.
Will the laser be harmful to organs and lymph nodes? Is laser painful?
No, due to the limited depth of penetration neither the organs or lymph nodes should absorb the laser light. When the laser is applied to the skin, patients feel some stinging, similar in sensation to the snapping of a small rubber band against the skin. We therefore have some of our clients apply an anesthetic cream to the area being treated for 30 minutes prior to the procedure. Or we suggest to take some Tylenol 30 minutes before the laser treatment. This ensures clients comfort during the treatment.
Photosensitivity and Topical Meds: how long should medications and topicals be avoided prior to and after laser treatments?
It depends on the medication and the topical being used by the client. Clients should be off of Accutane for at least 6 months prior to laser treatments. Other medications should be examined and a test spot be performed if there is any concern of an adverse reaction. Retinoids should also be ceased 3–5 days prior to laser treatment as they can create excessive redness.
Can you do treatments for both hair reduction on face and wrinkle reduction the same day on the same area?
We recommend performing treatments for each indication separately.
Can you perform laser treatments on face and a chemical peel the same day?
We recommend that each indication be treated individually and on different days.
What are the potential side effects from using the laser?
While side effects are quite rare, the possibilities are erythema, edema, bruising, welting, hyper or hypo–pigmentation and blisters.
What should be applied to the skin post treatment?
There are many different things that can be applied to the skin after a laser treatment. Most common are hydrocortisone, aloe vera, cold compresses, and most importantly a 30+ SPF sunscreen.
What causes bruising?
Bruising, or purpura, is typically caused by energy being delivered into the skin too quickly. Particularly with the Vbeam and GentleYAG for vascular anomalies. Also to be considered are medications or herbal supplements such as, ibuprofen, aspirin, vitamin E and fish oils. We also advise that clients avoid being treated soon after exercise. Vascular dilation creates more targets that may bruise.
What is the post treatment protocol for leg veins? Can I exercise? Can I drink alcohol? Etc.?
In order to optimize leg vein treatments clients should avoid exercise the day of treatment and for 5 days after the treatment of leg veins. Also, certain activities should be avoided:
Abstain from running, jogging, lifting weights for approximately 5 days.
Abstain from baths, hot tubs, saunas, long showers, or any activity which will make you sweat. And any medications that may thin the blood.
- If your physician has recommended use of compression stockings, please follow their instructions for use.
- Because alcohol can cause vasodilation, abstaining from alcohol is recommended for approximately 5 days.
Are compression stockings required post leg vein treatments?
While compression stockings are common post sclerotherapy treatment, they are not absolutely necessary after treatment of leg veins.